
5 Gifts To Give Your Child This Christmas

During the holiday season, the watchful eyes of our children observe not just the presents under the tree but also how we live out our values. They pay attention to what we spend our money and time on. And they feel our stress, or peace, during December and throughout the year.

What our children learn to value at Christmastime, they learn from us as parents.

In this festive season, let’s shift our focus from material gifts to those that impart lasting lessons and shape the character of our sons and daughters.

Are you focused on gifting your children lifelong values or material items this holiday season?


Here are 5 gifts to give your child this Christmas season

1. The Gift of Appreciation

Model for your child how to show appreciation to others throughout the holiday season.

Teach your son or daughter what to do when invited over to a home for a party or dinner. Let your kids see you contribute to the holiday meal by bringing a dish or a small gift for the host. Talk to them about how you show appreciation to those hosting you this holiday season.

By all means, teach your child the importance of handwriting thank you notes for gifts they receive or kindness they’ve been shown. Teachers also cherish receiving written words of appreciation from their students.


READ: 5 reasons your kids need to write thank you notes this holiday season 

2. The Gift of Generosity

Teach your child the importance of giving to others instead of focusing on just receiving.

Let siblings pick out gifts for each other and buy them with their own money. My Mom used to have a ‘Mom store’ where my sister and I could buy things from a closet shelf where she had gathered inexpensive items for us to choose from. I carried on the same tradition until my kids were old enough to go out shopping independently.

Let children be involved in the gift-giving by using their own money and ideas. This way, they begin to learn the value of selecting or making personal gifts that fit each person. Who doesn’t love a thoughtful gift giver?

3. The Gift of Compassion

Talk to your kids about how you are helping people with your time and money this season. Unfortunately, many people are hurting during the holidays. What can your family do to show that you care?

We keep a Christmas Jar out on our counter all year long to collect any change or bills we found. The week before Christmas we will gather as a family and talk about who we may want to bless with our jar.

  • Carry dollars for kids to drop in Salvation Army buckets.
  • Pull angels off of mall trees and buy gifts for kids in foster care.
  • Consider doing the White Envelope tradition.

The ways you can help others through your giving are endless. Let your kids watch you continuously give to those who need your help if and when you’re able.

4. The Gift of Contribution

Christmas cheer shouldn’t just be made possible by mom. It should be a collective family effort contributing to traditions together.

  • Have your kids help bake the cookies.
  • Your son or daughter can stamp and seal the envelopes of the Christmas cards.
  • Pull out the ornaments and adorn the tree together.
  • Your children can help pick out gifts for loved ones and wrap them as a family.

Get children of all ages involved in contributing to the magic of Christmas rather than just consuming.

5. The Gift of Humility

Teach your son or daughter that gifts aren’t for posting on social media. Google the Christmas Haul if you don’t know what I’m talking about. Kids sit around on Christmas morning, showing off everything they unwrapped on Instagram and TikTok for everyone to see.

We must talk to our kids about the inappropriateness and unnecessary posting of material items received at Christmas. Better yet, how about us not gifting them anything worthy of bragging about in the first place? We don’t want our children to find their joy in owning the top-of-the-line iPhone or expensive athletic shoes anyway.

If we teach our children to appreciate, contribute, and give to others this Christmas season, our gifts will live beyond December 25th.

As we celebrate this Christmas, let’s prioritize the gifts that leave a lasting legacy—lessons of appreciation, generosity, compassion, contribution, and humility. May these values shine bright in our children long after the tinsel has been taken down and the nativity put away.

Wishing your family a Merry Christmas filled with love, joy, and meaningful connections. May you enjoy this precious season with your loved ones celebrating the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ!

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