Day One RV Adventures at Lake Powell
“Don’t worry about a thing ‘cause every little thing is going to be alright….”
A young guy sporting only his swim trunks and a guitar belted out the popular Bob Marley song on the banks of Lake Powell and his words were a complete blessing to me. His singing, along with the majestic scenery, in front of me brought a feeling of peace over me and I instantly dubbed this tune our family theme song for this trip.
Yesterday we took off on our big journey across the USA. Our first stop is two nights at Lake Powell in Page, Arizona. Overall we had a perfect first day, with a few minor inconveniences.

How breathtaking is this spot?
When I heard those lyrics sung at sunset tonight, it set the tone of the trip for me. He was exactly right, little things are going to happen throughout this entire adventure, but it reminded me to brush those off and focus on the big picture.
We left our home a couple hours later than we had hoped to yesterday morning. This put us further in to the heat of the day which meant pulling over on the side of the hilly northern Arizona freeways to calm our RV (otherwise known as Ally B) down so she didn’t totally overheat. Ally B is pulling quite the load as you can see, so no one complained about giving her little breaks to regroup her composure, even though we had to do it quite a bit.
Our trusty built-in GPS wasn’t so trusty after all, taking us 40 miles off track when we encountered a detour just outside of Page and leading us to a residential area instead of our RV Park. Thank goodness we easily recovered both times with our cell phones and Mapquest.
The kids were so excited to get the bikes off the back of the car and get to exploring the campground while we set up shop for the first time. They were gone a matter of 15 minutes before one of them had popped a tire. We headed down to check out the lake when dear daughter’s bike tire popped. Then, one of the last bikes standing had a pedal fall off. Three down, one to go. We even took these things into the bike shop at home to have them serviced so they would be all ready to go.
We then realized that our dinghy (towed vehicle) was dead as well. Good thing we didn’t need our car anyway last night as we didn’t plan to go anywhere. We called our Roadside Assistance and they were out in 20 minutes to get the Buick running again.
We will learn from these little mishaps which will test us along the way. We will learn to roll with the punches and not get upset about the little things because…. every little thing is going to be alright. And with views like this, how can it not be?
Guess you forgot to remove the fuse for the battery. At least that’s what we have to do in our 2011 Enclave.