DRIVEALOGUE- A Tool For Driving Brave Family Conversations
Want to know what your child is dealing with out in the world when it comes to peer relationships? Their self-concept? How about their thoughts on difficult topics like sexuality, social media, technology, or drugs and alcohol?
Thanks to Adam Brooks new product, Drivealogue, parents now have a more natural way to discuss tough and timely issues with their kids. His conversation starter packs get us adults intentionally talking to our children about topics more meaningful than what we ate for lunch or what grade was achieved on that math test.

Adam Brooks’ new product, Drivealogue, challenges parents to have brave conversations with their kids.
Brooks, the founder of Youth Awareness and Safety, was concerned about the heightened rate of youth suicide in Arizona and wanted to make a product that would allow parents to engage in tough conversations with their children proactively.
“My cards were designed to have meaningful, brave conversations that we may not even want to have, but that we desperately have to have if we’re going to keep our kids safe today,” said Brooks.
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Brooks came up with the concept of using his card game in the car because he had read that kids were more likely to open up and freely communicate with adults if they didn’t have to make direct eye contact. Not only that, but today’s reality finds parents spending more time in the car shuttling kids around to activities, so why not make a product to help us forge more meaningful conversations during our time on the road together.
Drivealogue features three unique card decks meant for different age groups- for elementary, middle and high school-aged kids.
The cards feature questions like:
“What would you do if someone sent you a nude photo?”
“What would you do if someone who you were friends with in elementary school started ignoring you in middle school?”
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There are also many lighthearted cards scattered throughout the decks as well, with questions like “What if you started a video channel. What would it be about?”
At $20 each, Drivealogue card decks make the perfect family hostess gift this holiday season! To order or learn more, click HERE!
We have young boys and I love that this is driven by questions and creates opportunities for conversation. This could even be something that I would use in the car while driving the boys to school. Very cool idea!
This is genius! Would love a set of the elementary cards.
Hi Andrea! You are the winner for the elementary pack of Drivealogue cards! Hope you love them! Thanks for reading and commenting! Look for an email coming your way…
We have almost officially entered the teen years..we have triplet 14 year old boys/men (they are all over 6 feet) who are freshman and a 12 (will be 13 on January 6th) daughter and even though I thought managing 4 kids under 2 was hard….teenage years are quite a challenge! 🙂 Would love these car conversations because our kids schedules are so busy, most of the time our quality conversations take place in the car going from practice to practice!
Hi Melanie!
You are the winner of the high school pack of Drivealogue! I’ll still take teenagers over toddlers any day! Four in diapers at the same time was hard! Hope you enjoy them! Look for an email coming your way.Thanks for reading and commenting!
This is only of the best things I’ve seen in a long time.
I’m only hoping I can source them in the UK.
I have children who span the whole education age ranges and would live to be able to have any set, I’m sure they could be used across generations and the questions altered to context if needed.
Thank you that someone has had the idea to put something like this together!
These are brillant!! So timely w/ onslaught of social media & children’s social skills disappearing. Would love to use these w/ my 2 teen daughters. ????
Forget to mention what set…. Would love the high school version. ???????? Thank you
Would love to win a set of these for High Schooler.
It is so hard to have meaningful conversations sometimes at the dinner table without someone derailing our topic with sarcasm and snarky attitudes (my 13-year old daughter) or silly dishonest skim-the-surface surface responses (my 10 1/2-year old son). I have found that taking walks with my daughter is the best way to talk with them both independently, but it is still very hard to know just what we need to talk about to prepare our kids for today’s world that is just getting scarier and harder to navigate with all the surprises. We should try talking about it in the car as a family – what a great idea! These conversation starters are a phenomenal idea and I can see how they would be beneficial for so many families today! I would ask for the middle school pack today.
Just recently I saw a different version of this somewhere–though I think those were all more lighthearted–and thought it would be great for the long road trips to travel sports. Less time relying on the DVD player and devices! My son tends to clam up when we try to have awkward conversations, so maybe this would help. I have kids in two phases of life, but I think I’d prefer the middle school deck because those are probably the tougher questions we need to tackle, and they’ll grow with us for a few more years! Seems like a great opportunity!
Would really like to use these with my 12 year old 6th-grader in the car as we have 30-minute drive to and from school each day! I think it would allow us to have conversations that would otherwise not happen and prepare him for situations in advance of dealing with them! Great idea!
Hi Jean! You are the winner of the middle school pack of Drivealogue! Hope it brings about many meaningful conversations!
Intentional conversation is so important; and teaching our kids how to do it is relevant & necessary. It is becoming a lost art… I would love the teen version (grades 9-12).
Would love to win your cool box of questions. We are traveling with our kids and a few other families. I would bring with each night to dinner. Have no phones at dinner and go around asking questions. It’s a great idea that can teach kids to have more conversations instead of staring at their phones.
My daughter is starting middle school next year. I’m holding strong to my commitment of waiting till 8th for cell phones. We have no dvd in the car except on trips that are 3+ hours. I’d love these cards for the exact reason they were created. To stir up dialogue and meaningful conversations while in the car!! Or at a table at a restaurant – where you watch everyone else glued to their phones and not engaging with each other. It’s heart breaking to see. I’d like the middle school pack because…ugh…middle school: Drama, hormones, frenemies, the descent into not enjoying mom and dad’s company…ugh…
I appreciate this strategy to mentor our children. It’s amazing to realize that people want a tool that has such a great benefit to their children but are not willing to spend 20 dollars. Parenting should be modeling good behavior and teaching beneficial habits. Do the tough work, don’t enable or spare them from reality. Prepare them with healthy strategies so we can be confident in the coming years of their development. This is so they can make good choices to better our communities and culture.
I applaud your efforts Amy, great job with your forum !