
Snapshots of a Significant Summer

How was your summer?

It’s THE question we adults ask one another as the kids head back to school. Sure the last day of summer is officially in September, but for us parents of school-aged kids, vacation is over.

How was your summer? 

“Good,” I say, unsure how to honestly answer the question. I find myself responding like my children do, when I ask the blanket question ‘How was school today?’


Good means you didn’t ask the right question.

Let’s try again.

There was no cruise around exotic Islands or an RV trip around the USA to fuel exciting stories this summer. No rented Tuscan villa or an annual Mission trip to Mexico either. Therefore, summer feels just ‘good,’ until you rephrase the question.

Did you have a significant summer?

Yes. Why yes we did. Thank you for asking.

Sometimes we mistake visiting faraway places and traveling to exciting destinations as being significant. And sometimes amazing vacations can absolutely be significant while other times they are simply a pretty diversion to normal life, but taken without real purpose.

Snapshots of Our Significant Summer

Indy family pic

So what? It’s a photo of my side of the family all together on a pretty summer day back home again in Indiana. Except for the fact, that our family struggled relationally for a long time, so having us all together is rare. Our trip to Indy was an investment in further rebuilding my relationship with my sister. The smiles and love here are beginning to feel genuine. Praise God, as we started off our summer significantly

Life grandfather, like grandson

This sweet moment speaks for itself. Grandfather and grandson sharing the same passion.

Camp Car

Mid-June means time to get the kids from Phoenix to Kanakuk in Branson, Missouri. This is the second summer we let our kids go to camp and here are visual reminders of why we give up precious time with them in order for them to grow and thrive without us.

Morgan and friends
Everyone is better surrounded by a tribe, especially when there’s no technology involved. Genuine smiles with new friends are priceless.

Cole repellingSeeing our kids grow spiritually, mentally, and physically while at camp is awesome!

Prayer at Kanakuk

Our kids aren’t even in this picture, but this photo embodies exactly why we let our kids go off to this camp. I want my sons surrounded by other men who aren’t afraid to love the Lord and one another.

Kade and Aidan K2Simple fun in the sun is exactly how some summer camp days should be spent.

Morgan Camp

Yes. Please wonderful college camp counselors. Pour into my daughter and teach her to be strong in her faith and in her relationships.

Foster-Care-Move-In-DayAfter camp, we welcomed Nix into our family. My sons help their new little brother move his things from his foster home into ours.

Kade comforting

Our family trip to California meant taking Nix to the ocean for the first time. I loved watching my family make sure he was taken care of.


Aidan and Nix


Sara and IRelationships are a priority in a significant summer. Lucky to spend quality time with my friend, Sara as she planned a day at Terranea for us to celebrate our birthdays!

Us at LaPosadaTime away from kids and the daily grind is a necessity once in a while. Keith and I found a gem while overnighting at the LaPosada in Winslow, AZ.

Amy at Chimaya

I took five days this summer for myself at an amazing writing retreat in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I never wanted to leave this sacred spot at Chimaya.

What was significant about your summer? Look back through your photos for those little moments that really make you smile because that is what life is about. Maybe summer was way better than ‘good’ after all.

8 replies
  1. Danielle Draut
    Danielle Draut says:

    Great Story of your summer! Ours was also significant. All the boys were working summer jobs and looking at colleges. Jon starting possibly a new career and working together as a family. I am continuing my education. As the summer started to end the boys began their last year in March band. Hunter decided not play baseball and is focused on being a counselor at the YMCA for young children. So Amy your question is great, we had no huge summer trips. But I spent some time at the beach with Just Hunter. Congrats on your son Nix.. looks like is a perfect fit into you family.

    • Amy Carney
      Amy Carney says:

      So great Danielle! Hard to believe your boys are already at this stage. What happened to me buying all of your carseats and outgrown clothes? This childhood thing sure goes fast. Love to you guys.

  2. cindy carney
    cindy carney says:

    Well Written Amy! I love this for many reasons, it helped me reflect on special moments that have now passed, but it it also reminded me to live even more mindfully so that we truly embrace these moments while they are occurring !
    Love You Girl!!!

  3. Kay
    Kay says:

    I realize that this is now an older post, and not really the point of the article, but it made me smile when I saw that Nix’s things are in totes. Our daughter being brought to our home with her things in garbage bags was awful- it says so much more to the child about how the world views them than people realize.

    Good luck with this new journey!

    • Amy Carney
      Amy Carney says:

      Thank you Kay for reading and commenting on this as our upcoming adoption is a much bigger deal than my parenting post that is going crazy on the web! Yes, our other foster kids came with trash bags as well. I always bought them suitcases for their things when they left. God bless you for being on a similar journey!


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