5 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day
Let’s use Earth Day as an excuse to pause and consider how well we are stewarding God’s beautiful creation- our planet Earth. Our children are watching how we treat the […]
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But we are proud to say that Amy Carney contributed 224 entries already.
Let’s use Earth Day as an excuse to pause and consider how well we are stewarding God’s beautiful creation- our planet Earth. Our children are watching how we treat the […]
When I was growing up, the subject of money was taboo. It’s no wonder I struggled with overspending and compiling significant debt as a young adult. I worked two jobs, […]
Whether you’re seeking an outdoor adventure or a quiet retreat, The Strawberry Inn is the perfect northern Arizona getaway. Conveniently located just a two-hour drive northeast of Scottsdale, The Strawberry […]
One of my favorite ways to consume content and get inspired while raising my kids is through listening to podcasts. If you are new to podcasts or an avid listener, […]
One ordinary afternoon, as my aunt and I, were leisurely shopping at a Phoenix strip mall, I received a call on my cell phone from an unknown number. Since I […]
We know that digital devices and screens separate us in our homes more often than they bring us together. This holiday season why not set your family up for success […]
I’ve never been more thankful for technology than I am today. Our devices and connection to the internet allow us regular communication with our college kids and loved ones around […]
As a mother, it can be difficult to feel like I’m giving everyone the attention they need or deserve. So, I’m always seeking out simple opportunities to celebrate each of […]
One of the favorite places our family visited along our 7-month RV journey around the USA, was Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I had never given the historic city much thought, but boy […]
The implications of our children spending more time on devices during this pandemic are nothing to ignore. Right now, our sons and daughters may be in front of screens more […]
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