One Thing Good Parents Need This Back to School Season
We know it’s our kids’ work to do, but we remind them constantly of what needs to be accomplished before school starts back up. We see no hope for our […]
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But we are proud to say that Amy Carney contributed 223 entries already.
We know it’s our kids’ work to do, but we remind them constantly of what needs to be accomplished before school starts back up. We see no hope for our […]
Teach your kids how to sort, separate and put their dirty clothes in the wash now. Show your children how to treat stains, measure detergent and explain the importance of […]
There’s nothing I love more than the week after my kids get home from sleep away summer camp. Our kids hang around home reminiscing about their few weeks away in […]
If the house goes up in flames, I want my people, my scrapbooks and my sand bottles. Forget the jewelry, just grab the sand. My sand bottle collection represents memories […]
In a few days, our kids will shut down their technology. All Snapchat streaks must come to an end. They will bid farewell to their normally scheduled academic and athletic […]
If witnessing your kids laying around on devices after school and on weekends is making you crazy now, how are you going to feel this summer when the time off […]
What if we really looked around our homes and saw the precious moments and memories inside of the clutter. What if we really looked for blessings disguised as chaos. What if […]
You are raising your kids and you think your family is complete. But, there are many children living in foster care who may need you. These kids have no stable […]
Your son doesn’t want to do it, so he doesn’t have to do it. Whatever he wants. Your daughter doesn’t feel like doing something, so she doesn’t have to. Whatever she wants. Heaven […]
Parents are scrambling for advice on how to handle digital devices in their homes. We are losing our kids to technology, but what can we as Mom and Dad do about it? We must […]
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