
One of my favorite ways to consume content and get inspired while raising my kids is through listening to podcasts.

If you are new to podcasts or an avid listener, check out these 11 fun interviews that I got to be a part of in 2020. I think you will find a couple that you just love and will bring new insight into your parenting!

Have you downloaded the Goodpods app yet? Follow me @amycarney and you’ll find most of these episodes in one place!

1. Jan. 5 – Reconnected Parent Podcast with Tom Kersting

“Intentional Parenting and Family Life with Amy Carney”


2. March 31 – Build your Best Family with Kimberly Amici

“Keepsakes What to Keep and What to Throw Away”


3. May 6 – Life on Purpose Podcast with Amy Debrucque

“Parenting on Purpose”


4. June 22 – You’ve Got This with Sarah Hamaker

“Why Parents Should Focus on Character”


5. July 5 – The Perfectionist’s Guide to Mothering with Andrea Fortenberry

“How to Parent on Purpose”



6. July 14 – We Call B.S. with Brittany Bollard and Sinead Quinn

“Parenting on Purpose with Amy Carney”


7. July 20 – Families that Stick Together with Jennifer Zumbiel

“Parent on Purpose. Will you be proud when this chapter closes”togather-podcast

8. August 14 – The FORM Show with Marc Lucas 

“Parent on Purpose”


9. Aug. 25 – The Unhurried Life with Jen Brazeal

“Purposeful Parenting with Amy Carney”


10. Nov. 17 – The Boy Mom Podcast with Monica Swanson

“Raising Siblings to be Strong Together and Strong Individually”


11. Dec. 8 – The Moms of Tweens & Teens Podcast with Sheryl Gould

“Are you Raising Your Tweens and Teens for Adulthood? How to…”


Which episode was your favorite?

What is your favorite podcast that I should be on in 2021?


One ordinary afternoon, as my aunt and I, were leisurely shopping at a Phoenix strip mall, I received a call on my cell phone from an unknown number. Since I was in a good mood, I went ahead and answered it, oblivious to the life-changing truth I was about to hear.

It wasn’t the random sales call I thought it would be; instead, it was the nurse from my gynecologist’s office letting me know that my recent appointment results were not good. The tests had detected cervical cancer, and it was at a stage that would require an immediate hysterectomy.

One minute, I was leisurely searching for healthy snacks for my kids’ school lunches, and the next minute I was preparing for surgery. How could this be possible?

Because this is life, and anything is possible.

Those next few minutes, weeks, and months were a blur. Me? Cancer? I had always been a healthy person overall, so being told in 2011 that I had cancer came as quite a shock.

During this unsettling period, I pondered if I had prepared the keepsakes and mementos that I wanted to leave behind for my children if this disease were to take my life.

Our lives can and might change in an instant.

I had saved various material items for my children but I had not taken the time to write out important moments and memories from my life. I want my children and future grandchildren to know who I was before I was a mom and who I’ve become since. 

Because of this, I created a new journal- 100 Questions for Mom– to help all of us, moms, easily tell the stories that have made up our lives. I want to slow down today while I am healthy and take the time to write about my life and what I’ve experienced.

We must take the time to write out the stories of our lives while we are healthy and able.

The memories we share with loved ones are an invaluable treasure. My guided journal, created just for mothers and grandmothers, is full of thoughtful writing prompts that encourage you to record your stories. When you have put your memories to paper, this precious memoir can be passed down to your children and cherished for generations to come.


Your Handwriting Matters

Who doesn’t recognize their mother or grandmother’s handwriting when they see it?

Unfortunately, our precious handwriting may not be as familiar to our children as it has always been in past generations, thanks to the digital world we are living in.

I created this journal as a way for busy moms to write out their thoughts and stories turning this guided journal into a priceless treasure.

Who wouldn’t love a journal full of handwritten memories and stories from their grandmother or mother?


Insightful questions on every page invite you to delve into topics both lighthearted and momentous. You’ll explore recollections of your childhood, the wisdom of motherhood, and your hopes for the future. With short questions and plenty of space to write your answers, it’s easy to capture the moments that have shaped your life.

Share your story with my 100 Questions for Mom Journal that is:

  • In your own words―Explore deep, thought-provoking topics or share funny anecdotes in a Q&A format that lets you use your unique voice.
  • Practical and elegant―A classic design and roomy lined pages make this guided journal a joy to use and a delight to read when you’re done.
  • For mothers of all kinds―Share your experiences and one-of-a-kind perspective through open-ended questions that suit any age and family structure.

Learn more about creating your legacy with this simple guided mom journal or pre-order it HERE.


We know that digital devices and screens separate us in our homes more often than they bring us together. This holiday season why not set your family up for success by intentionally investing in products and tools to help you connect to one another rather than tear you further apart?

Fortnite and TikTok may not exactly be furthering our family goals, so let’s purposely purchase things that will actually be beneficial to our family heading into the new year.

Here are 7 items worth gifting your family to bring you closer this year and beyond!

1. Unplug Digital Device Holder


What I love about Cade and Birch’s Unplug device holders is that they provide us with an intentional place for our screens to live overnight or whenever we want our homes to be screen-free.

Having an intentional (and beautiful) place to store our devices in our home helps our family members routinely unplug. 


2. Conversation Starters


In my recent interview on The Boy Mom Podcast, Author Monica Swanson asked me what my favorite product for moms of boys was, and I said “conversation starters” with my current favorite being Togather’s unique sticker gamebooks.


Another favorite is Drivealogue because these cards uniquely touch on tougher, yet vital, social conversations and are meant to use in the car while driving your sons and daughters to and fro. These conversation starter packs come in 3 different sets depending on the age of your kids.

3. Invest in a Local Adventure

Changing up our scenery throughout this pandemic has been life-giving to our family. We may not be able to travel far from home right now, but there is definitely a nearby adventure where your family can go refuel, while also supporting a local business during this hard time.


Two of our favorite getaways in Arizona are The Strawberry Inn and The Circle Pines KOA campground in Williams. We like to go where we can spend time quality time outdoors and reconnect as a family.

4.  My Parent on Purpose Printable Packs

I created some printable resources to help parents make a plan to raise their children with more confidence, joy, and purpose, despite the challenging circumstances we may be living in! We can’t afford to just wing it when parenting our kids in today’s complicated culture. My products are designed to give you ideas and tangible resources to strengthen yourself, your family, and your kids!

5. Fun Family Games

Left, Center, Right is a staple in our family. Most every holiday, and when we are traveling, we play this simple dice game with whoever is joining us. Forget the chips it comes with and use pennies or quarters to make it more exciting.


My Parent on Purpose Amazon store features several fun family games and products that we enjoy!

6. Personalized Stationery


Why not invest in personalized stationery or thank you notes for your family members? That way there’s no excuse to write Grandma that loving note of appreciation!

Pretty Paper Club is my favorite local, Mom-owned source for our customized stationery needs!

7. Meaningful Framed Photo Display for Your Home

Take the time to get your precious photos off of your phone and into a meaningful display for all to see on a regular basis in your home!


Perhaps you want to create a one-of-a-kind 50 states framed map showing where you’ve been or where you’re going around the USA? I am in love with ours!  Thunder Bunny Labs has a map maker tool to easily turn your photos into the shapes of the states.

What are your family favorites that you would add to this list?

* A few of the links I have used are affiliate links which means I may make a few dollars off of your purchase. Please know that I would never recommend anything that I don’t use or believe in myself.


I’ve never been more thankful for technology than I am today. Our devices and connection to the internet allow us regular communication with our college kids and loved ones around the country.

Yet, this same technology that connects us to the vast world also has the power to disconnect us in our own homes if we’re not careful.

So, what can we parents do to set our loved ones up for success when it comes to digital devices?

Here are 5 Ways to Set Your Family up for Screen-Time Success 

Read more

6-Ways-to-Make-Your-Child-Feel-Loved this School Year

As a mother, it can be difficult to feel like I’m giving everyone the attention they need or deserve. So, I’m always seeking out simple opportunities to celebrate each of my children so that they feel uniquely cherished in our family.

One choice we do have, despite our worldly circumstances, is the ability to make our child feel loved in our home this school year and beyond.

6-Ways-to-Make-Your-Child-Feel-Loved this School Year

1. Light a Candle of Honor

One of our favorite family dinner traditions we regularly did around our dinner table when our kids were younger was the Candle of Honor.

Each night (or whenever you want), choose one child (or adult) to honor because of a positive character trait they showed or something they accomplished that day. Light a candle in front of your honoree, acknowledge why you chose them before the meal, and let them blow the flame out while everyone gives them a round of applause.

The candle of honor tradition is such a small, simple, and fun way to acknowledge and impact your family members.

Be prepared for younger children to get upset or complain when they aren’t chosen. Thankfully, this too shall pass as they learn that their turn will indeed come around. The Candle of Honor becomes a strong family tradition as you teach your children to celebrate one another regularly in your home.

2. Turn an ordinary moment into an extraordinary one

During Covid, our youngest got to go back in person to school first, so on the night before he headed back to the classroom, I threw a little after-dinner celebration focused on him.


  • I googled how many days had passed since his last day of school before the pandemic shut everything down and wrote on a blank notecard, “After 192 days, you get to go back to school.” Yippee. Hooray. Whoo-hoo.
  • After dinner, I lit the Candle of Honor and presented him with a slice of cheesecake (that Kneaders mistakingly gave me when I ordered a cherry pie for myself) and a recycled gift bag with some goodies including a hand-me-down chapter book from a friend.

This simple celebration cost me nothing but a little time. I threw the idea together in a matter of minutes yet my intentional effort made my son feel special and loved.

This is the name of the game friends.

Be on the lookout for ordinary moments that you can simply turn into extraordinary ones with a little extra effort this school year.

3. Talk around the family table 

It’s so vital that we create space in our families to talk around the table, breakfast bar, or wherever you gather with your people regularly. Get to know who is in your child’s world this school year. Know the names and happenings of their friends, enemies, teachers, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, and the other people they encounter every day.

Ask your students what’s bothering them about their school year so far.

What are they enjoying? And in turn, tell them what’s going on in your life.

Our homes need to be a haven where we gather consistently with our people over meals and speak the truth and love to one another.

4. Encourage contribution

Find ways for your children, from toddlers to teens, to help out around your home. Even though your son or daughter will most likely complain about unloading the dishwasher, doing their laundry, or scrubbing a toilet, having regular chores helps children feel a sense of belonging which equates to feeling loved.


Not only should your son or daughter be contributing to the good of your family home, but it’s essential that they also learn to contribute to your local community and the world at large.

5. Create a meaningful school year photo album

One of my favorite back-to-school traditions is putting my sons’ and daughter’s annual school photos into their You Are Loved School Days album (which I happened to design.)


When we take the time to intentionally create a meaningful keepsake book with their school photos each year, it tells our children that they matter and that they are loved.

If you haven’t started an annual school year album, you can check out my simple product to help you do so HERE.

6. Start a dialogue journal

A dialogue journal is a perfect way to begin one-on-one communication with your child by writing back and forth to one another in a simple notebook.

Grab a barely used notebook and start a dialogue journal with your school-aged kids to help them improve their penmanship and get more comfortable expressing their thoughts, feelings, and ideas through the written word. It also makes a fun keepsake to look back at later in life.

To learn more about starting a dialogue journal with your student, click HERE.

What other ways are you striving to show love to your children this school year?


One of the favorite places our family visited along our 7-month RV journey around the USA, was Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

I had never given the historic city much thought, but boy was I impressed. We voted it the best walkable city along our American tour with so much to do, see, eat, and learn about!


1. Begin at the Independence Visitor Center

Plan to start your visit to Philadelphia at the Independence Visitor Center, which is right across the street from the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall in Independence National Historical Park.

GET YOUR TICKETS HERE: The Independence Visitor Center functions as the exclusive pick-up location for free, timed tickets to Independence Hall, which is important because sightseers visiting between March 1 to December 31 must have a ticket. Check HERE for all current details.


ALSO, GET your Junior Ranger Activity Booklets while at the Visitor Center. The Junior Ranger program keeps the kids engaged while visiting the National Parks and they love building up their childhood collection of badges.

2. Visit Independence Hall

Independence Hall is the building where both the United States Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution were debated and adopted. It is now the centerpiece of the Independence National Historical Park in Philadelphia.

How to Obtain Independence Hall Tickets


The Assembly Room in Philadelphia’s Independence Hall, where the Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence

3. See the Liberty Bell

Across the street from Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell is displayed in the Liberty Bell Center. Admission is free to learn about and admire this iconic symbol of American independence in person!

4. Head to the National Constitution Center

We purposely planned our visit to Philadelphia during Constitution Week and got to tour the National Constitution Center for FREE on Constitution Day September 17.

At the Center, you will learn how the Constitution was drafted and ratified; how it has been interpreted over time; and what it means for us today.

Learn about ticket pricing and hours of operation and special events HERE

5. Take a self-guided tour of the US Mint

All tours (which take approximately 45 minutes) are free and self-guided; no reservations are necessary, even for large groups. Check the website HERE for operating hours and details, as the Mint is currently closed for touring due to the pandemic.


6. Send a postcard from the Benjamin Franklin Post Office


Free Franklin Post Office & Museum is the only Colonial-themed post office operated by the United States Postal Service. It is a living portrayal of a bygone Colonial lifestyle, and it is the only active post office in the United States that does not fly the American flag (because there was not yet one in 1775 when Benjamin Franklin was appointed Postmaster General).

Be sure to bring along your loved ones’ home addresses and mail them a postcard with the special postmark “B. Free Franklin” that is still used to cancel stamps today. The museum on the second floor features displays of postal history and memorabilia.

7. Visit Benjamin Franklin’s gravesite


Christ Church Burial Ground in Philadelphia is an important early-American cemetery and is the final resting place of Benjamin Franklin and his wife.

Be sure to bring along a few cents if you plan on making a visit to the grounds. The Franklins’ tombstones are easily the most visited, as evidenced by the many pennies which are thrown onto Benjamin Franklin’s burial site. In addition to being a symbol for good luck, throwing coins is a nod to Franklin’s motto that “a penny saved is a penny earned.”

Check HERE for admission details.Benjamin-Franklin-Grave-Visit-With-Kids-in-Philadelphia

8. Grab famous Philly cheesesteaks for lunch or dinner


For lunch, we walked the one mile from Independence Mall to Geno’s Philly cheesesteaks, which happens to be right across the street from rival Pat’s.

Both Pat’s and Geno’s are open 24/7 minus a few holidays and are regarded as “tourist traps” by any local, but for out of towners, the experience is part of the fun!

9. Run up the Rocky Steps


After lunch, we drove a couple of miles to The Rocky Statue and the Rocky Steps at the Philadelphia Museum of Art which are two of the most visited attractions in Philadelphia — and they’re both free.

Run up the steps, then turn around to cherish the spectacular view of the Philadelphia skyline. Then head back down to find the bronze statue of Rocky at the bottom that was originally commissioned for Rocky III.

10. Snap a photo with the infamous Love sculpture

One of the City of Brotherly Love’s best-known landmarks is LOVE itself — the Robert Indiana sculpture in John F. Kennedy Plaza (or LOVE Park, as it’s referred to by many). The sculpture was restored and repainted in 2018, and the park was entirely redesigned to add more green areas and a high-tech water feature since we visited in 2014.

The AMOR sculpture — a Spanish version of the LOVE sculpture — is at Sister Cities Park, a short walk from LOVE Park.

Did you know Philadelphia changed its nickname to the City of Sisterly Love for 2020 due to the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment?

11. At night relax in Spruce Street Harbor Park (Seasonal)

Facing the Delaware River, Spruce Street Harbor Park — open seasonally from spring through fall — creates the ultimate free hangout spot. Lounge riverside on colorful hammocks, floating barges, and Adirondack chairs, or play lawn games like bocce, shuffleboard, and giant Jenga games.

You can even grab a bite to eat from one of the many food vendors set up on the boardwalk. Unfortunately, the park looks quite different during the pandemic so be sure to check HERE before visiting.

I’ve only scratched the surface of all the amazingness that Philadelphia has to offer. I highly recommend visiting this beautiful, historic city with your kids.

Have you visited Philadephia for family fun?

What else would you recommend people check out?


The implications of our children spending more time on devices during this pandemic are nothing to ignore.

Right now, our sons and daughters may be in front of screens more than ever out of necessity, or desperation. It’s crucial that we, as parents, cultivate conversation and create boundaries in our homes to help protect our sons and daughters from the harmful effects of device dependency during this time.

We cannot stick our heads in the sand and hand over digital devices to our kids without understanding the ramifications of doing so.

Tom Kersting, a nationally renowned psychotherapist, speaker, and author just released his new book Disconnected full of information and tips we need to lead our children well when it comes to technology and addictive devices.

Take the time to listen to my discussion with Tom about his new book and what it is we parents need to know as we enter into this new school year on screens and beyond!

  • Get Amy’s Family Cellphone Contract HERE
  • Get Tom’s Book- Disconnected HERE
  • Listen to Amy’s interview- Intentionally Raising Kids on Devices- on Tom’s Reconnected Parent Podcast HERE
  • Check out Tom’s website HERE



One of the most important things we can do as a parent is to teach our kids how to take care of their personal health.

Many doctors and nurses see college students coming in with minor aches and pains that could easily be remedied in their dorm room instead of the emergency room.

What can we do to give our young adults the confidence to care for their minor aches and pains?

We can begin teaching our children today how (and when) to treat minor illnesses and injuries and make up a first aid kit to give them the tools they may need to do so when they are off living independently.


Here are the 19 Items I Included in my Sons’ College First Aid Kits:

1. Digital Thermometer 

2. Nasal spray for cold symptoms such as Afrin

3. Pain reliever tablets such as Ibuprofen or Tylenol

4. Emergen-C

5. Antibiotic Ointment

6. Cold & Flu medicine

7. Anti-diarrhea medication such as Immodium

8. Assortment of bandages

9. Cough drops

10. Sunblock

11. Tweezers, mini-scissors, nail file

12. Hand sanitizer

13. Lip balms

14. Instant Ice Packs 

15. Tums antacids

16. Saline nose spray

17. Allergy medicine

18. Insurance cards, immunization records, and any doctor’s information in a Ziploc bag

19. Hidden note of love from Mom and/or Dad

*This list includes affiliate links that will earn me a few cents if purchased!


  • Remember, this kit is to help your child remedy minor pains or sickness and doesn’t contain items regularly used, such as vitamins, sleep aids, or prescription medications.
  • Try to go over all of the included items with your child before sending this along with them. Make sure your son or daughter understands how to use everything so they won’t have to use Google or contact you in the middle of the night for advice.
What else would you include in your student’s college first aid kit?

Families are jumping in RVs and heading to campgrounds in record numbers. Several years ago our family spent seven months in an RV journeying around the United States. We needed to stop the chaos that was our everyday life, slow down, and enjoy one another and our lives for a little while. It was an epic adventure!

No matter if camping is part of your family plan or if it’s something you are considering in the future, you will want to get this book- See you at the Campground.


The Authors Stephanie and Jeremy Puglisi interviewed me about our RV Family Sabbatical on their podcast and when I saw they released another book, I had to check it out!

Whether you’re new to camping or a seasoned pro, See You at the Campground is an awesome resource containing everything you need to know from hiking with infants to navigating RV dealerships to mixing the perfect campfire cocktails. No seriously, anything and everything you want to know about camping is in this book!


4 Ways to Choose Your Own Camping Adventure this Summer and Beyond

1. RV Camping Adventures

Are you an RV camper? Would you like to be?

As I said, we lived in this motorhome for nearly seven months in 2014. You don’t have to buy an RV to camp with your family, but it’s definitely not a shabby way to go. If you don’t have an interest in buying, you can certainly rent one on Outdoorsy and try it out for a little while.


2. Cabin Camping Adventures

Now that we no longer own an RV, our family camping preference is staying in cabins. To learn more about these types of camping accommodations you can check out my post from the San Diego, California KOA, and the Williams, Arizona KOA. Both locations even have fun alternate accommodations such as safari tents and teepees too!


3. Tent Camping Adventures

I’m not going to pretend that I am in the least bit a tent camper. I am not. But, the few times I have done it, have been awesome. I can’t imagine doing it with kids, but maybe you have more patience and tolerance than I do!


4. Glamping Adventures

Lastly, Keith and I love taking “Glamping Getaways” such as this one we did last summer at Autocamp near Yosemite. Getting to stay in a fully equipped Airstream in the middle of the great outdoors is heaven to us.



This summer, if you find yourself spending more time at home and wanting to keep costs low, you’re in luck! There are plenty of fun, budget-friendly activities that can make your time together memorable and enjoyable. Dive into these creative and engaging ideas that will not only entertain but also strengthen family bonds without breaking the bank.


1. Plan a themed family night

Look at your summer calendar and see if there are any days coming up that you could purposely celebrate. For example, National Ice Cream Day is coming up in July. Why not surprise your family with an ice cream party that day or set up a sundae bar after dinner?

One of our family’s favorite theme nights we’ve ever had was a backward dinner, where everyone shows up to eat with their clothes on backward. You also serve the meal backward starting with dessert first and serving the salad last. 

The point is to be silly and plan a fun family night that you wouldn’t ordinarily do.


2. Seek out Little Free Libraries

Little Free Libraries are “take one, leave one” book stations, and are located all over the place. Visiting Little Free Library locations with your child both encourages a healthy habit of reading and helps kids recycle books they’ve already read.  

Our youngest and I enjoy trying to match the theme of the books we donate to the theme of the little library we are donating to, as we recently did at our local dog park. Get creative with your experiences and enjoy exploring your community together.

Check out littlefreelibrary.org for a map of libraries near you.

3. Make a Boredom Bucket

I’m giving you permission to stop playing cruise director and constantly entertaining your child this summer!

Boredom is mightily beneficial, if we are strong enough to allow our children to experience it. Use this summer downtime to let your kids figure out how to entertain themselves, by themselves, just like we had to do back in the day.


One way to set your son or daughter up for success is to help them create a Boredom Bucket, Bin, or Basket with quiet activities to occupy them when they don’t seem to know what to do with themselves. It’s that or a toilet bowl brush so let them take their pick!


Putting together a boredom bucket also doesn’t need to cost you anything, unless you want to mix in new items. Your child can choose what items go in the bucket or you can go through their room like I did and pick out small items that have rarely gotten used. You can also add new items to the bucket or switch items out throughout the summer to keep it fun.

4. Start dialogue journals 

School may be over, but we want to keep up with our student’s penmanship. So, grab one of your child’s barely used notebooks from this school year and start a dialogue journal with your kids to help them:

  • Improve their penmanship.
  • Get more comfortable expressing their thoughts, feelings, and ideas through the written word.
  • Think about the thoughts and feelings of another in this interactive form of communication.
  • Create a keepsake from their childhood to be cherished later.

Click HERE for more details on how and why you may want to get started on this!


5. Strengthen life skills 

Take the time to teach your children the life skills that will help them when they start back to school and beyond. What is it that your child needs to know and that they can learn to do this summer?

Not sure? Get my life skills age-appropriate summer task checklists HERE!

6. Go Geocaching

Here’s a family-friendly activity that’s high on both fun and fresh air. Geocaching is a modern-day treasure hunt offering lots of hidden containers (called caches) and tips and clues for finding them in public spaces such as parks. It was one of our kids’ favorite things they did as we traveled around the USA in our RV in 2014.


Create a free account HERE or download the app from Apple or Google Play on your smartphone. Make sure to bring hand sanitizer and a pen to sign and date the logbook in each geocache you find before placing it back where you found it.

7. Join a summer reading challenge

There are many ways to motivate your child to read more this summer. Start with your local public library to see what they are offering this summer or join in one of the many reading challenges being offered online.


8. Send postcards

Postcards are an easy way to get our kids working on their penmanship while sending some love through the mail this summer.

Who knew you can even order postcard stamps from the comfort of your home on Amazon right HERE. I like buying postcards showcasing our beautiful state, but you can buy unique sets of postcards like these if you don’t have an option or desire to purchase them locally.


9. Make a homemade treat in your kitchen together

Hanging out in the kitchen with your kids this summer will provide so many benefits! Not only will you have some fun together, but you will also have the chance to teach your children lifelong skills.

What recipe can you teach your kids how to make? Homemade Strawberry Fruit Rollups is one of our favorite family summer treats and it’s the only recipe I’ve ever posted on my blog!




10. Start a glass jar tradition

One of the most important things we can do is take the time to create simple traditions in our homes that teach our kids the values we deem most important. One way to do this is to create an annual glass jar tradition to teach the values of generosity, gratitude, joy, or presence.

Here are four glass jar traditions you could start this summer!


11. Create a chalk art family masterpiece

Our family created this chalk art masterpiece on our patio door during Coronavirus quarantine. Although faded now, this mosaic design we painted on our glass door brings me so much joy today. I don’t want to ever erase it!

Grab some masking or painter’s tape and create a design (with chalk markers) on your window or on your driveway and let each family member take part in bringing your artistic creation to life. Make it a fun, family affair!

What are other simple, fun, and low-cost activities to enjoy with your family this summer?