
How to Create Significant Family Systems in the Kitchen this Summer

As we head into summer, let’s talk about how we can use this June, July, and August to strengthen our family systems and raise kids who are contributors!

LISTEN IN as my author friend, Danielle Wurth, and I talk about one chapter of her new book- KIDS IN THE KITCHEN– and how we can use the summer months at home to teach our kids what it is we need them to know in the kitchen while having fun doing it! Now there’s a summer win-win!

READ –>> 7 Ways to Create a Summer of Significance

  • Grab the Summer Skills Lists in my ‘How to Create A Summer of Significance’ Printable Pack HERE!
  • Download Danielle’s Kitchen Zones Printable HERE
  • Want to make a Family Recipe Binder? Download Danielle’s Printable HERE
  • Check out Danielle’s Books HERE 
  • Get Danielle’s favorite label maker HERE 

13 replies
  1. Lydia St. John
    Lydia St. John says:

    Thank you your thoughtfulness in providing these tips during these times. We must find silver linings and look for ways to moments matter!!

    • Danielle Wurth
      Danielle Wurth says:

      The timing of this summer of significance series is perfect! Families (mine included) have had to constantly adjust family home lifestyle so this series will add the fun + family significance back into our summer!

  2. Amylee
    Amylee says:

    The info in this video is awesome! So helpful. I’m right on board with you and did pretty well with getting my kids up to speed on kitchen skills. WhatI have not been so great at is what you talk about the end, the lovely monthly table. I’m the worst with anything relating to decorating!

    But I’d really love to have this book for my daughter, who is all about decorating, but still struggling in many of the ways of organizing. She seems to get caught up in the aesthetic and lose the practical aspects. I’m thinking this book might help her?

    • Danielle Wurth
      Danielle Wurth says:

      Love your feedback! The Kids Book is truly perfect for your daughter and the exact reason why I wrote it…to be a fun, encouraging, creative organizing guide that she have do alone or with you as parent. Organizing Skills Are Life Skills so the sooner you foster that skill development at home the better she will learn, reflect on what works, does work and adjust her solutions accordingly. He organizing and time management skills will INCREASE along with her brain development + confidence which will carry over into her school skills, study skills, life + beyond …all WONDERFUL experiences for any child and adult! Keep me posted on how you are enjoying the book and free printables and fun Epic Organizing Adventures to venture on this summer!

  3. Lesley Mills
    Lesley Mills says:

    I need her book because I need to help all four of my children become organized!! 2 are in college and they need help!!! Soon, they will be out in the “real world” and I want nothing more than to have them succeed and be happy!! Being organized sure would help them!! Thank you so much!!

    • Danielle Wurth
      Danielle Wurth says:

      YES! It is never too late to teach organizing skills, life skills, solutions to everyday challenges! ALL things we ALL we need beyond childhood and through adulthood…right? I spent 3 years writing the 2 books in the series for I saw such a HUGE GAP in knowledge and skill levels in this younger generation. My boys helped with the book so it would be “COOL ENOUGH for KIDS – LOL” they said …informative + interactive + motivating with Epic Organizing Adventures with Jeep Icons to tackle easily. Do let me know how things progress and cant wait to hear back!

  4. Janet Lewis
    Janet Lewis says:

    Fantastic information! Thank you for sharing your whole ZONE concept. We need this! I look forward to your reading your books and awakening myself to making life simpler by defining the repeating things that can easily be life lessons. I really love the banana bread idea! I will save time and be able to make this a lot more fun for all! I’m tired of making banana bread – so now someone else can take this one! Happy Summer! – Janet

    • Danielle Wurth
      Danielle Wurth says:

      Sooo very happy our discussion helped you in your own unique way! Some of my most favorite solutions happened by accident…me seeing a challenge and then devising a fast, budget friendly solution. You will truly LOVE the Ignite Series…it has brought such clarity to so many in better understanding themselves + what they own + why they own it and how to transform their home to live the healthy, organized lifestyle they always deserved a+ craved! Do keep me posted on your progress!

      • Sherry
        Sherry says:

        This would be a perfect summer to get this information. My son, who has learning challenges is going to be a senior in the fall and he needs help with organization. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I am a very hands on mom and could use some tools to help my son.

  5. Monica Archer
    Monica Archer says:

    This was such great information. Thank you both! I am an old friend of Danielle’s and haven’t seen her since before we had kids. It’s so exciting to see the things she is doing!

  6. Cara Petkosh
    Cara Petkosh says:

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge! My daughter missed out on her Life Skills cooking class during quarantine- so we had to improvise with YouTube videos and experimenting! We would love more tips & recipes! Thanks.

    CARA PETKOSH says:

    Great information and video- my daughter wasn’t able to finish her 6th grade Life Skills/kitchen class at school due to COVID so we have been cooking and baking at home- via You TUBE- but our kitchen needs an organizational overhaul- definitely a rainy weekend project that needs to be done! Thanks for the motivation!

    • Amy Carney
      Amy Carney says:

      Cara, you are this month’s book giveaway winner! Check your email inbox for the details! Thanks, everyone for participating. If you aren’t on my email list- join here: http://eepurl.com/gffC9X for your chance to win the July book giveaway!


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