12 Gifts to Give Your High School Senior for Graduation
As I prepare to graduate my firstborn sons from high school and launch them from the safety of our nest this fall, I want to talk about what are the best gifts we can give our Seniors at this special time in our lives.
And guess what….. these gifts won’t cost you much, if anything, at all!
LISTEN IN as my author friend, Dennis Trittin, and I talk about 12 gifts that we think are important to give high school seniors before launching them off into adulthood.
- Download Dennis’ Resource List: HERE
- Download Amy’s mock Health History Questionnaire for Teens to practice filling out: HERE
- Download Amy’s Life Skills for the Launch: HERE
- Get your personalized college stationery HERE
Who needs some strategies to give your kids Wings, Not Strings, and to launch young adults who can soar with confidence?
I NEED this book because I, too, have 5 kids and want to be better equipped to launch them successfully so that they can set the world on fire!
Any mom trying to raise her five kids intentionally for the launch is a friend of mine :)! Thanks, Liz for reading and commenting!
Hi Liz! You were selected as one of the winners of the Wings Not Strings books! Please check your email for details!
I could use input on letting go and having confidence that they can and will do well on there own. I am not quite the helicopter mom, but I do hover at times. Thanks and be well.
Hi Angela! We cannot help ourselves as caring parents to not hover at times! This book has some simple, tactical strategies to help us strengthen our kids AND ourselves. Thanks for reading and commenting.
Hi. This is on my to-read list!! I desperately need to learn everything about this!! I have an only child with anxiety and depression and trying to help her every way that I can to launch her to LIVE her life is a struggle for me. Whether I win this book or not I will be reading it!! THANK YOU!!
Hi Diane! Yes, our kids’ struggles can so easily become our struggles, can’t they? Wings not Strings is such a simple, powerful book. I love Dennis and his wisdom for us parents! Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment.
Good morning!! Congratulations on your sons’ graduations!! I know this book could really help me – I am extremely attached to my children and will be a mess when the graduate – this book can give me some coping mechanisms I am missing!! Thank you!!
Lesley! You are speaking my love language with all of your exclamation points!
I love that you are aware of your attachment and want to be more confident in your upcoming launch instead of heartbroken. Although, this is certainly some bittersweet stuff! Thanks for reading and commenting.
I really enjoyed this video and as a parent with a child on the launch pad for this Fall, I totally appreciated all the tips and topics that were compacted in this interview! I will order the “Wish I Knew” book today. Congratulations on your sons’ graduations and best of luck for their future successes!
Super appreciate you tuning in Joanne! Congratulations to your beautiful daughter!
I have a senior now with high functioning autism and a 16 and 13 year-old, all boys.
Hi Monica! Good times with the 3 teen boys at home! What area do you feel like you need the most help with? There are some great, easy strategies in this book too… Thanks for taking the time to tune in and comment!
I really need to make sure my kids know their SSN’s, what to do if they are sick, and what to do if they have an accident driving. This was so informative!
I would love this book
I’m a parent if a teen and young adult
I’m in launch stage
I’m also a therapist and SAP specialist who works with teens everyday
Your resources are great and I’ll be including your checklists in our newsletter
and hopefully sending parents your way!
Thank you
Thank you so much, Laura, for taking the time to tune in and share my content as well! I appreciate you!
Thank you SO much for that “12 gifts” video with Dennis, Amy! I took some great notes!
I NEED this book because my husband has been calling me a “helicopter mom” since the day my kids were born. My oldest is about to be a junior so I know I only have two more years to make some adjustments so she can fly without me.
Thank you so much, Kristi, for letting us know that this video helped you! It helped me to do it as well
I feel like I’m always trying to make positive adjustments while raising my kids as well. Thanks so much for tuning in and commenting!
I would love to have this book!! We have 4 kids, ranging from a sophomore in hs to one just starting K in the fall(hopefully) and this book would help with all of them to help gyide them into confident, responsible, self reliant adulta who can truly succeed in life as well learn self coping skills for when they are leaving the nest! I get teary eyed and anxious already thinking of my oldest leaving home in a couple years but also don’t want to be that parent that holds her back from exploring the world and all the possibilities/opportunities that are opening up to her!! Thank you for the opportunity to win this!
Thank you so much, Anna, for tuning in and commenting! Wow- you have quite the range of ages there! These final years of raising our kids are certainly bittersweet, but universities and employers are begging us parents to strengthen up these adults that we’re launching into the world. So I’m thankful for mentors like Dennis who can help guide us in doing that
Your list of gifts are excellent! I can see where I’ve actually prepared my senior and some areas I need to work on over the next couple of months. Thank goodness I have a little more time with my rising Junior! I’m so interested in learning more about career exploration because that is the area I feel most lacking in my both of my sons’ life right now. I’ll be checking out those resources immediately. Thanks for being such a great (positive) resource!
Thank you so much for tuning in Lisa and encouraging Dennis and me in our efforts! I, too, feel like career exploration is a difficult one for a couple of my kids so I’m thankful for the resources that Dennis provided us so we can strengthen that area. Thanks for taking the time to comment as well!
Hi Lisa! You were selected as one of the winners of the Wings Not Strings book. Be sure to check your email for details!
I am a single mother of a beautiful daughter who is graduating in just a couple weeks. I am disabled so my funds are non-existent for any extras and my daughter has never used our situation get in the way of her dreams. My daughter has told me that because of me pushing her so hard to not end up like myself I have kept her motivated to work hard. My only concern is that I haven’t given her enough on the financial and key tips on how to be successful. I think these books could help her and myself. I would love to gift them to her for graduation. Thank you for time and Good luck to everyone. PLEASE BE SAFE AND STAY HEALTHY IN THIS PRESSING TIME IN OUR LIVES.
Congratulations to your beautiful daughter Bonny! Thank you for taking the time to tune in and comment! Stay safe and enjoy this special time.
Thank you for your incredible video with Dennis on the most valuable gifts that we can give our children; SUPER helpful. I am a big fan of yours and now Dennis too!
I have a 17 year-old son with high functioning Austism and a 14-year old daughter. I’m currently seperated from my husband. I’m extremely grateful for parenting support since it’s truly the most important job we’ll ever have!
Thank you Kim for your kind words! We are so happy to be here and to support one another! Your kids are blessed to have you
I have 3 boys and my oldest has high functioning Autism. He is going to college, but there are so many things that I feel like I need to cram in before he leaves.