When our kids were little I read every parenting book I could get my hands on. I took classes, went to seminars and looked to friends for wisdom, all in the hopes of doing this mothering thing the best I could. I have found that as the kids grow up, we don’t seek out as much guidance as we did in the younger years and really we need positive tactics now more than ever.

One lady has been influential in guiding my parenting since we met back in the preschool days in California. Susie Walton is a mother of four grown sons and teaches her own curriculum, “The Joy of Parenting” to families live and online. Susie is also the author of the book, “Key to Personal Freedom: How Myths Affect Our Family Lives.”

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Did you know that Make A Difference Day always falls on the 4th Saturday in October? Tomorrow’s nationwide event is the largest day of community service and volunteering across the USA. I hope you are scheduled to do something fabulous in your community! But, if you’re like our family, what happens if your Saturday is already booked solid?

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My creative Mother made me this handy clothesline out of rubber bands and we used it all of the time while on our RV journey around the USA.

Want to make your own rubber band camping clothesline?

Here’s how….

  1. If using regular rubber bands, buy the thicker ones. Don’t get cheap dollar store type.
    Use appx. 20-25 bands and make into a chain by looping end to end.
  2. Make 3 chains of equal length. Holding one end of each chain together in your hand loop the end together in a large knot, leaving a grouping of 3 bands at the end for hanging.
  3. Take the loops formed at the end of knot and hang over something such as a knob and begin to form a braid with the 3 strands, stretching braid gently as you go.
  4. When you get down to about the last 6 inches hold the end loops together again and loop into another large knot.

Remember that many campgrounds won’t let you hang clothes outside to dry, so this rubber band clothesline worked perfectly inside our RV too!

Here are 6 other tips for family travel in an RV!

What tips have helped you when traveling around by RV?